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heroside offical gamejolt community
3 Members

Comments (23)

What do you think?

when does the full game come out ?

yeeeeee its out i just checked today ITs LAUNCHED WITH A ROCKET

very good game thanks for shouting me out

Hey, pretty cool demo, I think you can definitely take this game places if you look over a few things, so here's my criticism.

First thing I had trouble with was the controls. In the tutorial it says how to move around and stuff, but it never told me how to advance the dialogue, so I ended up pressing random keys until I figured it out. Maybe throw in a quick "use the arrow keys to advance text" message somewhere at the start.

Second thing is the backgrounds, particularly the city one. The colors are just as bright as the characters which makes them hard to tell apart, and on top of that there's fast, flashing light everywhere which is pretty distracting. Consider desaturating the background a bit and use more muted colors, and remove or at least tone down the flashing lights.

The tutorial text was also a bit hard to read, maybe put a black box or something behind it so it's easier to read against the background.

There was also a section in the tutorial where it said "press q and e to switch characters" but the puzzle that came next required the character I was already playing as. So I pressed E and ran around as Gearfox for a bit trying to figure it out, when I needed Avery to get over those blocks. Maybe change that obstacle so it's something only Gearfox can pass through to avoid confusion.

The last thing is the dialogue font, it's alright but it is a bit hard to read. It looks like a decorative font, but most games use something simpler for dialogue so it's easy to read and save the fancy stuff for titles or names or pretty much anything other than the dialogue itself. has a bunch of free fonts you can download, I use it all the time. I'm sure you can find something that's still futuristic looking, but more dialogue-friendly.

That's about all I've got, keep working on it and improving and I think you can come up with a pretty neat game.

for shouting me out, I gave your demo a try, and tbh it could be an alright game, but there's some big problems!

  • the graphics are a bit terrible, but don't worry we all start somewhere, and my games looked terrible too for a bit, so i don't mind them all that much. Keep going at art and you can draw amazing things ^^

  • they backgrounds aren't the best, as they are distracting from gameplay and blend in with the yellow tutorial text, making impossible to see unless you look closely, maybe making the background darker? or making the text darker and more clear would fix the issue more

  • The Tutorial could be better, it's right now okay but I didn't know how to even attack the first boss until I randomly started pushing buttons.

    an example is maybe have a area for your first character, then when the tutorial gets to the switch part, have it dedicated to the other so you know exactly how they work!

  • music is ok, but can be very loud and annoying sometimes, maybe tone down the music a bit and it would be better :)

  • the second character (gearfox) has very odd momentum and slippery feel that makes him not fun to play, maybe remove the slipperiness of him would make him feel way better overall

    in the end, this could be a good game, but there's some things that need changing, but good luck! hope your game goes well ^^

heroside 3 is the third entry in the heroside series, a series about female stereotype, Avery Diable, in this one, her along side her friends have to destory and take down electric boxes. while having to deal with her sister trying to kick her out.

the controls are simple:

arrow keys to move left and right

up arrow key to jump

ctrl to attack.

#action #platformer #other #retro #storybased #femaleprotagonist #sidescroller #adventure #shooter #pixelart #platformingadventure #2dgame #singleplayer #adventuregame #dark #drama #storygame #pixelgame #hero #side #thirdgame #sequel #2dshooter #fantasy #characterbased #narrative

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

hey funny story, found out heroside 3 needs to work out some more stuff, if you find any game breaking bugs in the game at all, lemme know. please.

one more view and heroside 3's page gets to 300 views :)

Heyo, for this round, i'm gonna do another round of asking my followers to check out heroside 3's demo, here we go. sorry if there are any repeats. well that and people who followed army base.

okay, so this round i'm gonna do a round up of people who followed lucy's adventure to help the game out.


alright so next up in harrassing people to check out the heroside 3 demo is @MiguelLeonardoOsorioParra a friend of Raccoonicorn, so, if you see this, let Raccoonicorn know i said hi.

next up in asking who wants to look at the game demo is @PashtetizLipi who liked heroside 2, so he may like this one

ay, heroside 3 is almost at 200 views, who wants to help out

alright next up on people i'm gonna ask to take a look at my game is: @TheHyperSloth i know he liked lucy's adventure so he may like this and if he see's the comment, hey.

i will aslo be asking @NunoRibeiro one of heroside 3's follower's if he wants to take a look at the demo.

i'll be asking some youtuber's if they wanna play heroside 3, starting with @Ness1253 so dude, what do ya think the demo that is